Work where others go on vacation!

Implementing a good idea usually requires nothing more than a clever thought, a pencil in your hand and an environment that enables and encourages creativity. A free development climate and contemporary working conditions in a place where others spend their holidays should make it possible to tickle the best out of yourself.




Working at Hohe Tanne is an exciting experience. We are looking for committed, qualified and motivated employees.

Are you interested in working at Hohe Tanne and want to become part of our team? Then take a look at our current vacancies or simply send us an unsolicited application.


Current vacancies

  • working students
  • trainees
  • engineers
  • sales representatives
  • Hohe Tanne GmbH

  • Hohe Tanne 7 – 98701 Großbreitenbach

  • Email: 

  • Phone: +49 (0)36781/ 2410 - 0